Get Your Body Moving With Exercise Physiology Services

Exercise Physiology - Sunshine Coast and Gympie

What can Exercise Physiology Help With?

Exercise physiologists can help you to improve your health in many different ways. Some of the more common health conditions we help people improve are:

  • Disability

  • Healthy Ageing

  • Balance / Coordination / Falls Prevention

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Diabetes

  • Mental Health

  • Heart and lung health

  • Joint Pain (neck, shoulders, spine, hips, knees, ankles)

  • Muscular Pain (upper trapezius, back, legs)

  • Strength

  • Mobility / Flexibility

  • Fat Loss / Muscle Gain

  • Kids Coordination and Strength

What is Exercise Physiology? 

Exercise physiology is the science of how the body moves and how exercise affects health and wellbeing. Exercise physiologists design and deliver exercise programs that are safe, effective, and tailored to the individual needs of people of all ages and abilities. Exercise physiologists also provide education to empower people to own and improve their health and wellness.

Exercise physiologists are university-trained professionals with the knowledge, training and experience to provide safe and effective exercise interventions. These can be used to support people who have a wide range of acute, sub-acute and chronic medical conditions, disabilities or injuries. 

Evidence suggests the right prescribed movements can help improve an individual’s wellbeing and be an effective treatment option for conditions that are neurological, metabolic, musculoskeletal, or cardiovascular. 

Exercise physiology may also provide benefits to people who are taking certain medications (the most commonly prescribed medication in Australia is for cholesterol management). Exercise can also be used to help with issues such as cramping and muscle pain. 

Exercise physiology may also benefit people who are engaging in specific activities and want to improve their outcomes. Exercise physiologists have a deep understanding of human physiology and can offer advice on the right exercises individuals need to complete as well as provide specific recovery plans at the same time. 

Through exercise physiology treatment you will learn how to move your body more often and in the right ways to provide the greatest benefits that you need. As well as prescribing certain movements, our expert exercise physiologists will ensure you know why these specific exercises matter and how they can benefit you. 

Get the Right Exercise Strategy for You 

Our exercise physiologists ensure each exercise prescription fits the needs and requirements of the individual. A one size fits all approach is not effective when it comes to your health and wellbeing - every body is different. Correctly prescribed physiological adaptations can mean it is far more likely individuals will be able to achieve their unique goals through exercise. 

Various factors will also impact whether an individual adapts to their prescribed exercise treatments. Some of the factors include:

  • Illnesses

  • Medications

  • Genetics

  • Age 

  • Disability

Your exercise physiologist will take this into account and ensure the exercise plan is regularly modified to encourage continued physiological adaptation. 

How Exercise Physiologists Fit within Your Healthcare Team

A multidisciplinary team will often include exercise physiologists to ensure the best outcome is achieved with a more well-rounded approach with longer lasting results. An exercise physiologist can provide support, education, and exercise prescriptions to help achieve the goals. Since there is a crossover in treatments from health and medical professionals, an exercise physiologist will work with other professionals to ensure the right support is provided without any overload. 

How Exercise Physiology is Different to Physiotherapy

Both exercise physiologists and physiotherapists work in a broad scope of practice and there is quite a bit of crossover between the two services. 

Physiotherapists work across all phases of injuries from acute, to sub-acute, to chronic.

Physiotherapists deliver soft tissue mobilisation through massage, dry needling, and ultrasounds, and also at times prescribe self-massage techniques. Physiotherapists are able to deliver an injury diagnosis and prognosis.

Exercise physiologists typically provide lifestyle education and lifestyle modification techniques to support individuals with a wide range of chronic health conditions (such as cancer recovery, diabetes, respiratory conditions, mental health conditions, and cardiac-related conditions) to promote improved health and wellness and decrease their risk of all-cause morbidity.

Exercise physiologists will work with you to consider the how and the why of your circumstances so that both can be addressed and help to prevent future recurrence.

Exercise physiologists can also work with you to develop individually tailored exercise plans to help you achieve your goals around losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight; or create a strength and conditioning program to improve physical and physiological health and fitness.

How Exercise Physiology is Different to Personal Training

Exercise physiologists can be thought of as focusing more on corrective exercise for injury recovery, specific exercise prescription for the prevention and management of chronic disease, and improving daily living skills for disability. Whereas personal trainers focus more on performance exercise where there are no underlying or significant restrictions imposed by injury, or disease.


What Services Do Exercise Physiologists Provide?

Exercise physiologists provide a range of services to residents on the Sunshine Coast. This includes exercise counselling, physical rehabilitation and health education. Services may include specific exercise programs that are tailored to your needs. 

When Should I See an Exercise Physiologist?

There are various reasons why you could and should consider consulting with an accredited exercise physiologist. For instance, you could be referred for chronic disease management due to the diagnosis of a number of conditions including but not limited to cancer, depression, metabolic disease and neurological disease. 

Further examples can be found here.

An exercise physiologist can also help provide advice on how to modify your lifestyle or assess levels of functional capacity. 

Ultimately anyone who wants to improve their levels of physical fitness, mobility or engage in a specific exercise activity could benefit from the support of an exercise physiologist. 

What Qualifications Does an Exercise Physiologist Hold?

An exercise physiologist must complete at least a 4-year bachelor's degree offered through a National University Course Accredited Program. They are also required to continue professional development throughout their career and have set professional development requirements each year. More information about their governing body, Exercise and Sports Science Australia can be found here.

Who Can Benefit From Exercise Physiology?

Almost all people can benefit from Exercise Physiology especially if they can source an Exercise Physiologist with specialised knowledge of your condition/needs such as pre and post natal, mental health conditions, musculoskeletal injuries to name a few. 

Simply put, when someone requires the confidence to undertake an appropriate exercise program, or when you have a medical condition or injury that requires specialist health care and professional exercise advice.

Does Medicare Cover Exercise Physiology?

Yes. Medicare rebates are available for people with a chronic disease (such as arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis) if they are referred by a GP. You can receive a maximum of 5 sessions under Medicare in a calendar year. Medicare cover 20 minutes of the consultation so you may be out of pocket for these sessions depending on the consult length.

About Us

We are the team of allied health professionals who work WITH YOU to develop a program to help make your life better. Our university trained team uses evidence-based, scientifically proven techniques and have spent up to 15 years working in our individual fields. We work together to offer you a real holistic team healthcare service. When multiple health professionals from different fields work together to help you, you can achieve your goals in a quicker time frame and to a higher, longer lasting standard. So you can move on to your next set of goals and accomplish even greater lifestyle success. If you know you can achieve more out of life, we are here to help you. 

Our Locations

Our allied health services are available from professionals in a variety of locations across the Sunshine Coast including:

Contact Us 

If you are interested in learning more about exercise physiology services in the Sunshine Coast or Gympie, please do not hesitate to get in touch today. An expert member of our team can book you in with one of our allied health professionals and ensure you get the full benefits from this treatment option. Contact us

Exercise Tailored to Your Individual Goals

Exercise for All Ages

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Exercise for All Abilities