The Allied Health Team

 Ph: 1300 AH TEAM Text: 0455 055 721 Fax: (07) 5335 1610 E:

By appointment

Exercise Physiology, Dietetics, and Health Consulting services are available online.

We believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare regardless of their location, time restraints, or circumstances. That's why we offer our online exercise physiology, nutrition and dietetics, and health consulting services.

You can simply call us and we’ll best match you with one of our clinicians, or you can look through the team’s individual profiles and find a clinician you’d like to work with.

We’ve found our online services to be helpful for people who:

  • Live in remote locations

  • Have a busy work roster and use their lunch breaks for their healthcare

  • Want to have a quick check-in with their health professional and don’t need to utilise our clinic space